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Only the Most Generous Spirit Can Bring Such Joy to Others

You have within your power the gift of life. And something even more exceptional, a sincere desire to share that gift with others. Your kindness and generous spirit will make many loving people whole again. That’s why it’s our privilege and honor to care for you throughout every step of the process.

Step 1: Should you be a surrogate?

Be sure you fit these qualifications:

  • Permanent resident of the United States
  • Do not reside in the following states: AZ, DC, DE, LA, MI, NY, NE, OK, WA
  • Between 21 and 43 years of age
  • Do not receive, or anyone in your household, any form of government assistance (other than food stamps)
  • A non-smoker more than 12 months
  • No history of depression or mental illness
  • BMI between 19 – 30
  • Has given birth to at least one child without any complications
  • Had never been treated for Gestational Diabetes
  • Has not had 3 or more C-sections
  • Has not had 6 or more vaginal deliveries

Step 2: The application process

  • Submit your application online, by fax or send by mail. You may also call us directly as we would love to speak with you in person.
  • Submit several current photographs of yourself now and as a child if possible. Photos of your children (if any) are also appreciated. Please note that potential recipients will view your photos.
  • Once your application is received, at your convenience we’ll discuss the application, gather more information and answer any questions you may have.
  • Your pregnancy and birth records will need to be reviewed by our team to confirm there were no complications that would be prohibitive to you being a surrogate.

Step 3: Matching Process

When a potential recipient chooses you as a gestational surrogate, we will contact you to see if you are available and interested in meeting the parent-to-be. Our thoughtful matching process takes your preferences into consideration. For instance, you’ll receive a personal letter or information introducing you to the recipient which will include:

  • Lifestyle information
  • Philosophy about child rearing
  • Information about the medical condition that brought them to you
  • Appropriate information about their relationship
  • Assurance that you are being a surrogate to loving parents

As this process last up to a year or more, you’ll want to understand everything involved in the surrogate services.

Step 4: Compensation and Follow up

When you become a surrogate, your compensation will be $60,000 – $65,000. All costs associated with the fertility journey are paid for as well.

Surrogate Services

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